Where We’ve Been So Far

On the ground organizing is key to building the Twin Cities Boulevard vision. Since launching earlier this year, we have knocked thousands of doors along the corridor. Read more about our organizing work and how to get involved:

Over 4,900 doors in 5 different neighborhoods across the corridor

The neighborhoods surrounding I-94 experience significant harms from the highway and will be most impacted by the Rethinking I-94 project. A better future cannot be built without guidance and consent from these communities.

So far, we have canvassed five neighborhoods along the corridor: Seward, Rondo, Hamline-Midway, Frogtown, Union Park. Our team will continue building connections in these neighborhoods and expand to new areas as our work grows.

What are community members saying about the Twin Cities Boulevard?

In June, we began using a canvassing tool called Reach to collect community feedback right at the door. We have surveyed 173 people since implementing this tool. We’ve started with asking just one question “Do you support the Twin Cities Boulevard vision?” The community response has been overwhelmingly positive.

We have also started asking these questions:

  • Would you like an open streets style party in your neighborhood?
  • Do you think all neighborhoods along the corridor deserve reparative justice?
  • Will you contact your neighborhood association?

Each door we knock is a unique, valuable connection that helps build the vision. Responses are missing because not everyone chooses to answer the questions. Additionally, we only record clear yes/no/unsure responses so that we accurately represent the community’s voice. More data on these new questions will be available in the future.

We also collect data in a long form survey. This comprehensive survey allows people to share more about their experiences, hopes, concerns and other feedback.

Volunteer Powered

Our organizing team is joined by volunteers from all around the Twin Cities. Many of them are residents near the corridor or members of partner organizations. Volunteers help us build awareness of the Twin Cities Boulevard and invite even more people into the conversation. This work would not be possible without their support. You can get involved by signing up for a canvassing date or hosting your own. Learn more here.